Shipping Policy

When you decide to buy our products, your order will be shipped automatically after you fill in the order form and your payment is confirmed.

Within a maximum of 60 hours, you will receive an email with your shipping tracking ID and a personalized link that allows you to check your shipment whenever you want.

Once you receive this email, you can be sure that your order is on its way to you and will be delivered to the address you have provided us with as soon as possible, as our reliable shipping partner guarantees.

We will ensure that you receive only premium quality products as your health and satisfaction with our supplements is our goal and business identity. If at any time you have any questions, just let us know by writing an email to this address

Delivery Address

Shipping Fee

Shipping Time

United States


4-20 working days

Here is the list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the shipping policy and the order status. Please go through them, as they should help you find the answer to your inquiries in no time.

Where can I receive my order?

We will deliver your ordered products wherever you want. You can ask for them at home or at work, anywhere you have a physical address.

Can the billing address be different than the shipping address?

Yes. Simply choose a different billing address from your order form and provide us with both addresses.

How long will my order take to arrive?

According to most of our customers, domestic packages arrive within 4-20 working days after being ordered.

How much do I pay for the delivery service?

Nothing at all! The delivery service is on our side, as a sign of appreciation and trust you will be happy with your order.

Can I track my order / check the status of my order?

Yes, you can. In maximum 60 hours after you order, all working days of the week, you will receive an email with your shipping tracking ID and a link. Click on that link to check on the status of your order anytime you want.

I accidentally placed my order with an incorrect shipping address. What should I do?

First of all, you shouldn’t worry. If you realize you have accidently ordered to an incorrect shipping address, write us an email as soon as possible, in order for us to make the proper changes, so that you can receive and enjoy the ordered products. You can find us any day of the week online, at

I need more information about the product or the shipping process. Whom should I contact?

We stand right by our customers every step of the way. So, if you have questions regarding the product, the order or the shipping process, we’re here to help. Just write us an email, any day of the week at


Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, and that means we may earn a commission if you click or purchase through those link. The price you pay will be the same, but by using our affiliate links you are helping support our website. We genuinely appreciate your support. Thank you!

This product benefits and results may vary from person to person accordingly to its biological body, environment and exercise activities.

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  2. 2. Further, Original Manufacturer Product does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

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Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 23:00

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